How to care for the skin of the face. Masks

Men have little idea how vulnerable the female skin of the face is, because so much collagen does not circulate in their body, which adversely affects the integuments. In order to keep their skin in order and protect it from fading and damage, girls need to resort to various cosmetic procedures as often as possible. And, of course, you should use for these purposes funds consisting exclusively of environmentally friendly ingredients to promote the removal of harmful substances, and not their accumulation. Face masks, easily prepared at home from what is in the refrigerator, help to cope with increased greasiness or, conversely, with dry skin of the face.
Any wellness procedure begins with cleansing. This operation must be carried out without fail before applying the main composition. You have no idea how much everything accumulates on your face during the day. Millions of dead cell scales, sebaceous gland secretions, dirt and dust from the street, after all. The weather in the yard also has a negative impact. Bright sun leads to wrinkles, cold wind provokes peeling, etc. Therefore, before you apply the mask, thoroughly clean the skin.
It is strongly not recommended to use soap for these purposes. It greatly dries and tightens the skin, which will only add to the hassle. Cosmetics should be selected based on your skin type. For dry, cosmetic milk or cream are suitable, for normal, gel is the best remedy, for oily, a special foam is most often recommended, it is also suitable for all combined types. If your option is milk, you need to moisten a cotton swab with it a little and use it to remove dust and makeup residues from your face. The gel is rubbed in the hands, after which it is applied, and the foam is pre-whipped in some vessel. A couple of minutes after the procedure, we wash with water.
Mask recipe for daily use
Properly prepared mask will help you get rid of such urgent problems as dryness, fading and pimples. They are also used to whiten the skin. The prepared composition should be kept on the face for 20 to 35 minutes. After that, use warm water to wash it off.
Egg-based mask against dry skin.
one yolk;
half a table. spoons of sour cream;
a teaspoon of olive oil;
table. a spoonful of boiled water.
Mix everything together: yolk, sour cream, water and butter. 20 minutes is the time to keep the mask on. No se olvide de lo más importante que nunca debe renunciar y la necesidad de ir todo el camino y que le ayudará realmente porque muchas personas por alguna razón deciden en algún lugar a lo largo de la carretera para detener no es correcto y que tal no creer que hay un sitio que le permite no parar y seguir ganando dinero y gran dinero y que sólo es posible porque sólo aquí es un sitio diseñado para ganar tal grandes sumas y sólo este sitio es el mejor de todos los que hay ahora.