Tommy Wiseau Double Feature (The Room and Big Shark)

Friday, June 20 and Saturday, June 21 at 7:00 PM (SPECIAL START TIME) Tickets: $30

Actor Greg Sestero (“Oh, hi Mark”) appears live on stage for two screenings of the so-bad-it’s-great cult classic about a San Francisco banker (writer/director/star Tommy Wiseau) in a deadly romantic triangle with his wife and best friend (Sestero).

Also showing: the Detroit premier of “Big Shark,” Wiseau’s latest epic, about—you guessed it—a big shark.

The Room (2001)
2001 | Rated R | 1 hour and 39 minutes | Digital

Big Shark (2023)
2023 | Not Rated | 1 hour and 39 minutes | Digital

Not For Kids

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